Monday, January 20, 2014

30 Shortcuts For Eclipse That May Come Handy!

Many of you experienced pros may have already memorised the full list of Eclipse shortcuts, but for the beginners, it’s not that easy. Being the most popular Java development IDE around, Eclipse is used by the youngest to the older developers. You can be way more productive with this IDE if you know the shortcuts that are available. Getting a good grasp on the keyboard shortcuts also shows that you have a good grasp on the IDE or tool itself. So, without further ado, here are 30 that we could find for you.

Eclipse, Eclipse IDE, Java, Jave development IDE, Eclipse tips, Eclipse tools, Eclipse shortcuts, all Eclipse shortcuts, best Eclipse shortcuts,

1) Ctrl + T for finding class even from jar

2) Ctrl + R for finding any resource (file) including config xml files

3) Ctrl + 1 for quick fix

4) Ctrl + Shift + o for organize imports

5) Ctrl + / for commenting, un commenting lines and blocks

6) Ctrl + Shift + / for commenting, un commenting lines with block comment

7) Ctrl + o for quick outline going quickly to method

8) Selecting class and pressing F4 to see its Type hierarchy

9) Alt + right and Alt + left for going back and forth while editing.

10) Ctrl + F4 or Ctrl + w for closing current file

11) Ctrl+Shirt+W for closing all files.

12) Alt + Shift + W for show in package explorer

13) Ctrl + Shift + Up and down for navigating from member to member (variables and methods)

14) Ctrl + l go to line

15) Ctrl + k and Ctrl + Shift +K for find next/previous

16) Select text and press Ctrl + Shift + F for formatting.

17) Ctrl + F for find, find/replace

18) Ctrl + D to delete a line

19) Ctrl + Q for going to last edited place

20) Ctrl + T for toggling between super type and subtype

21) Go to other open editors: Ctrl + E

22) Move to one problem (i.e.: error, warning) to the next (or previous) in a file: Ctrl +. For next, and Ctrl +, for previous problem

23) Hop back and forth through the files you have visited: Alt + ← and Alt + →, respectively.

24) Go to a type declaration: F3

25) CTRL+Shift+G, which searches the workspace for references to the selected method or variable

26) Ctrl+Shift+L to view listing for all Eclipse keyboard shortcuts.

27) Alt + Shift + j to add javadoc at any place in java source file.

28) CTRL+SHIFT+P to find closing brace. Place the cursor at opening brace and use this.

29) Alt+Shift+X, Q to run Ant build file using keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse.

30) Ctrl + Shift +F for Autoformating.

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