Friday, March 21, 2014

Top 10 Network And Web Security Scanners!

Security assessment is a very important part of a network or system admins responsibilities nowadays. For this, there are tools that can make your life much easier. But do you know the right tools?? This will help!

Metasploit, Nmap, Wireshark, web security scanners, network security scanner, web security scanners, top security assessment tools

Network Security: Vulnerability scanning for networks is of the utmost importance nowadays. A network admin has to ensure that the system is secure, not just from without, but also from within. For this, they need certain tools

1. Wireshark

2. Nmap

3. Metasploit

4. OpenVAS

5. Aircrack

Web Security: Web security on the other hand is a different arena altogether. There are other factors at play and you also need to take care of some other things, like web-level access and scanning backend components like the databases,

1. Nikto

2. Samurai framework

3. Safe3 scanner

4. Websecurify

5. SQLmap

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