Friday, March 28, 2014

Simplicity Linux 14.4 Beta Is a Lightweight Distro Based on Puppy and LXDE

Simplicity Linux, a Linux distribution based on Puppy that uses the LXDE desktop, is now at version 14.4 Beta and brings a buckload of changes and improvements.
The developers of Simplicity Linux released the previous version of this distribution only a couple of months ago and they made a terrific job. The 14.1 version integrated so many interesting things that I was difficult to think that they might do something better so soon.

“Simplicity Linux 14.4 uses LXDE as the Window Manager for Netbook and Desktop Editions, and uses KDE 4.10 as the Window Manager for Simplicity X 14.4. As usual, Netbook is a heavily cut down Linux distro which gives access to a browser, e-mail, and a few local based applications,” said the developer in the official announcement.

He also explained that the Netbook edition is designed for users who just want a simple and straightforward experience, like checking the email or watching some movies. If this is all you want from you Linux distribution, then you don't need to go any further.

On the other hand, the Desktop edition of Simplicity Linux 14.4 Beta comes with a lot more features and includes applications like Dropbox, LibreOffice, Skype, and quite a few others.

As a novelty, the developers also made an X version of Simplicity Linux 14.4 Beta, which is like a testing distro for various other features. “It is designed to see what else we can do with Linux, with the intention being that features we like will filter down into the stable releases. X should generally work, but should be considered highly experimental, and highly unstable; it is not really designed for day to day use,” also said the developer.

All of the distributions mentioned above can be downloaded as hybrid Live CD ISO image (that means that all the changes you make will survive a system restart) and they can be written to a USB flash drive or any other media, like a DVD.

A complete list of changes, new features and other fixed can be found in the announcement. Download Simplicity Linux 14.4 Beta right now from Softpedia.

Remember that this is a development version and it should NOT be installed on production machines. It is intended for testing purposes only.

The developers haven't announced a precise date for the final version and there is no indication about another development release for Simplicity Linux 14.4.

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