Thursday, January 3, 2013

"I'm an engineer, not a compiler", interview questions are they too control-oriented concepts and instructions?

Nowadays, the jobs are more oriented languages ​​well defined. Result: questions interviews tackle more aspects related to language concepts. anyway This is the finding of a developer nick clements in a blog post entitled "I'm an engineer, not a compiler . " This was realized in several interviews that standard questions such as: what polymorphism? What is the difference between "List" and "Set"? When you use one or the other? What is the difference between strong typing and weak typing? etc.. returning from time to time. For an interview, " any question that takes 5 seconds to find an answer on Google is not a good question, "says Clements. " Yet many interviews and many exams test essentially how you you can substitute a compiler , "laments one. " Even the Java certification exams tend to focus on the issues of syntax and compilation rather than how you can actually design a system or program . " According to Clements, " a good engineer thinks abstractly in terms design and construction of systems, he thinks in terms of algorithms, components and engineering design. It does not necessarily know all the details of the syntax of a given language, especially when used with a good IDE that does it for him . " the good engineer should be able to justify the use of a concept that define it. " It is more important that I am able to tell you when and where I should use inheritance and when and where I should use polymorphism, as to be able to spit a definition , "writes Clements. " I a good engineer, I'm not a good compiler "concludes it, we also reveals his favorite question for an interview:" What is your preferred language and what are its weaknesses ? " Source : And you? What do you think? issues interviews they are too oriented towards mastery of language instruction? What are your favorite questions for the interviews?

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