Want to learn about Network Security
but worried the cost of over-priced textbooks? Well, not anymore! We
know how the field of Network Security is constantly changing, and new
editions can come yearly and at a huge cost to those who continually buy
new books. So why buy when you can read them for free? We bring to you
13 free ebooks on network security! |
1. Internet Safety: Keeping your Computer Safe on the Internet by Leo Notenboom - Puget Sound Software, 2011
In this free 113 page ebook, the author summarizes popular articles from covering the basics -- the things you must do, the software you must run and the concepts you need to be aware of -- to keep your computer and your data safe as you use the internet.
2. Guide to Securing Intranet and Extranet Servers - VeriSign, 2000
This guide reviews the main security risks of deploying Intranets and Extranets and will discuss the five fundamental goals of a security system: privacy, authentication, content integrity, non-repudiation, and ease of use.
3. Firewalls Complete by Marcus Goncalves - Mcgraw-Hill, 1998
This book provides all of the information needed to install and maintain firewalls. It covers major firewall technologies and brands, advantages and disadvantages, what to watch for, who to avoid, and what to look for in firewall products.
4. A Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control by Dominick Baier, at al. - Microsoft Press, 2010
This book gives you enough information to evaluate claims-based identity as a possible option when you're planning a new application or making changes to an existing one. It is intended for any architect, developer, or IT professional.
5. Nmap Network Scanning by Gordon Fyodor Lyon - Nmap Project, 2009
The official guide to the Nmap Security Scanner, a free and open source utility used by millions of people for network discovery, administration, and security auditing. This book suits all levels of security and networking professionals.
6. Snort Cookbook by A. Orebaugh, S. Biles, J. Babbin - O'Reilly Media, 2005
Snort, the open source intrusion detection tool, is capable of performing real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on IP network. This Cookbook will save hours of sifting through wordy tutorials in order to leverage the full power of Snort.
7. Network Security Tools by Nitesh Dhanjani, Justin Clarke - O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2005
The book shows experienced administrators how to modify, customize, and extend popular open source security tools such as Nikto, Ettercap, and Nessus. This concise, high-end guide discusses the common customizations and extensions for these tools.
8. Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker by William R. Cheswick, Steven M. Bellovin - Addison-Wesley, 1994
Advice and practical tools for protecting our computers. You will learn how to plan and execute a strategy that will thwart the most determined and sophisticated of hackers, while still allowing your company easy access to Internet services.
9. Intrusion Detection with SNORT by Rafeeq Ur Rehman - Prentice Hall PTR, 2003
This book provides information about how to use free Open Source tools to build an Intrusion Detection System. The author provides detailed information about using SNORT as an IDS and using Apache, MySQL, PHP and ACID to analyze intrusion data.
10. Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures by Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Press, 2003
This guide gives you a foundation for designing, and configuring secure ASP.NET Web applications. Whether you have existing applications or are building new ones, you can apply the guidance to help you make your Web applications hack-resilient.
11. Open Source Security Tools: Practical Guide to Security Applications by Tony Howlett - Prentice Hall PTR, 2004
A practical introduction to open source security tools for IT managers. It reviewes the assortment of free and low-cost solutions for all areas of information security. For each security topic, the best open source tool is analysed.
12. Forensic Discovery by Dan Farmer, Wietse Venema - Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005
Forensic information can be found everywhere you look. The authors develop tools to collect information from obvious and not so obvious sources, walk through analyses of real intrusions in detail, and discuss the limitations of their approach.
13. Understanding OSI by John Larmouth - Prentice Hall, 1995
Provides an intelligent beginner with an understanding of OSI (Open Systems Interconnection). It is not an exposition of the technical detail of the OSI Standards, it aims to explain why OSI is the shape it is, and a guide to computer protocols.
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